May 10, 2010


 Front wall of Žmauc.

Žmauc on Rimska cesta is a nice and cozy hang-out café with a nice terrace and colorful interior. You can easily find the place if you keep your eyes open for a facade covered in a huge graffiti. Žmauc is one of the most liberal cafés in Ljubljana outside Metelkova, so its usual clients include students from surrounding faculties, hippies and also a surprising amount of old geezers. When it's a nice weather outside, you can be almost alone in the inside but on rainy days Žmauc is usually quite crowded also on the inside.

Bela kava, kava z mlekom and nice list of sandwiches.

Žmauc is one of our favorite cafés in the city because of their open athmosphere, good and versatile background music ranging from The Rolling Stones to 80's funk hits and nice variety of sandwiches. Sometimes we have lunch at nearby Thai Inn Pub just to have an excuse to visit Žmauc. In addition to nice sandwiches Žmauc also offers free WiFi, alcoholic beverages, a mobile phone charging machine (!) and occasional theme nights.

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